2025 FPC Missions Grant

The mission of the First Presbyterian Church’s Annual Missions Grant is to enhance and strengthen our community by offering a grant up to $10,000 for eligible organizations.

The Missions Grant idea started when the FPC Budget Committee asked Session (our governing body) to use some of the FPC yearly endowment proceeds to further missions work in the community. The FPC Endowment was established through a bequest from members who wanted to leave an impact in the congregation and community. Each year, the Endowment creates a dividend that is used for the ministries of FPC to augment our ability to be in relationship with God and others.

It brings us great joy finally to be at a place where the Endowment generates enough interest for us to have the ability to offer this annual grant as an opportunity for agencies whose work benefits the citizens of Iredell County, North Carolina. We invite agencies to apply by following the link below, which will open the PDF that contains a letter to the agency or representative, the eligibility requirements and information about the grant, and questions we ask each applicant to complete.

The packet for the upcoming year will typically be available by 1 July the current year.

Missions Grant Packet